We Help Real Estate Agents scale Rapidly

With Our Latest Unique Closing Accelerator Formula

Automate Your Lead Generation, Followup, & Project Acquisition Today

Are you tired of feeling like just another real estate agent in a cutthroat industry?

Imagine being part of the elite 20% who dominate the market and achieve financial freedom.

With DWT AI, you will get access to Our Proven Unique Closing Accelerator Formula that you will need to stand out and become one of Australia's top real estate agents.

You Don't want to miss this opportunity as we are only going to be working with 10 more real estate agents in Australia

Our Latest Closing Accelerator Formula is actually different

1. High Quality Warm Leads Guaranteed

Say goodbye to the tire kickers from Facebook Lead Ads. Now your seller leads have to jump through hoops to give you their information, so you know they're serious and ready to hop on a call with you.

2. Honest marketing

Instead of your leads avoiding your calls and making up excuses, we build the connection between you and your leads automatically so they're actually waiting for your call.

3. Genuine Originality

Never pay another "marketing agency" again. Tons of these people just bought a course on "how to build a marketing agency." We crafted our own solution.

Capture New Leads

DWT.AI is a Full Suite Platform for Real Estate Agents. Whether you're running Facebook, Google, or using a 3rd party lead generator, we help you generate & convert more leads into customers.


Our intuitive platform allows you to create full-featured high converting landing pages & funnels, or we can integrate with your existing website.


Built right in is the ability to capture leads through Surveys and capture forms. You'll know exactly where each lead and customer came from.


We've built our own calendar application within DWT.AI, so you can capture all sales and company appointments in one place with automated reminders and followup

Break through the barriers

Tired of wasting time driving to too many properties to count, just to have your buyers back out? With a focus on listings, you can save time while referring your buyers out.

Network at capacity

Your network is working at maximum capacity already. Closing Accelerator Formula delivers new listing opportunities to you consistently.

Lack of Volume

Need more business to share with agents for recruitment incentives, or just plain trying to grow faster? Increasing your volume is as easy as flipping a switch.

Not Standing Out

Most online lead solutions are exactly the same, making you blend in. DWT AI gives you new leads who actually recognize you when you call.

Darren W.T is a 22-year-old, 6 figure business owner and CEO of DWT AI. He was just 19 when he read a book that changed his life, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Dr. Robert Kiyaoski. Today, Darren is changing the face of marketing for real estate agents & he has a team of completely remote digital marketing geniuses. Darren & his team at DWT AI are so confident in their system that they even guarantee at least 10 listing appointments

If you follow our entire system and still do not see the results we will give you a FULL

Refund thats how confident we are

Results Guaranteed

Grow your business today. Contact us if you have any questions.

  • dwt.aisystems@gmail.com

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